Dedham Domestic Violence Lawyers
Are You Facing Domestic Violence Charges?
Have you been arrested on suspicion of domestic violence in Dedham or elsewhere in Norfolk County, Massachusetts? Instead of trying to get through this yourself, you should turn to an experienced and skilled criminal defense attorney to make sure your rights are preserved. At Yannetti Criminal Defense Law Firm, our attorneys help clients confront domestic assault and other serious charges.
Call Us for a FREE Phone Consultation
We are top rated Dedham domestic violence lawyers serving Norfolk County, who will provide you with the best representation you can obtain anywhere. With offices in Boston, Salem, and Dedham, we are here to help you. Call us for a FREE phone consult.
Dedham Domestic Violence FAQs
What is the procedure for a domestic violence arrest in Norfolk County, MA?
Law enforcement in Dedham and surrounding cities and towns usually have a policy of automatically arresting anyone accused of assaulting a family member or intimate partner. If you are arrested, you will be taken to the police station to be booked, photographed and fingerprinted. If you are not released from the station and/or do not post bail, you will be brought to court for your first appearance there, called an arraignment. At your arraignment, the judge will decide whether to set bail so you can spend the time before trial with your family.
Will a conviction stay on my record?
It will unless you are able to get it sealed or expunged. Sealing will greatly limit who can see your criminal record; expunging will eliminate the record entirely.
Will a conviction affect my career?
Your conviction will show up on background checks, which could cost you job opportunities. You could also have your professional license suspended, including a nurse’s license, a stockbroker’s license and other professional licenses.
What should I do if I have been falsely accused?
You should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to take legal action immediately. Click here to learn more.
Could my charges be dropped?
If handled correctly, this may be possible. Follow this link for more information.
What if I am convicted of domestic violence in Dedham, MA?
You may have to go to the house of corrections or prison. We explain in more detail here.
I have questions about restraining orders.
We have the answers to help with your domestic violence restraing orders questions.
Facts About Domestic Violence In Massachusetts
- Nearly one in three women in Massachusetts have experienced rape, physical assault or stalking at the hands of an intimate partner.
- Nationwide, violence between intimate partners accounts for 15% of violent crime.
- Domestic violence occurs every 15 seconds in the U.S.
Additional Domestic Violence Information
Do you have additional questions about domestic violence cases? If so, call us for a free consult or visit the links below:
- Allegations of domestic violence/abuse
- What to do if falsely accused of domestic violence?
- What happens if convicted of domestic violence?
- New laws increase penalties for domestic violence offenses
- Under new law, domestic violences arrests not initially made public
- How to drop domestic violence charges
- Restraining order violations
- Restraining order FAQs
Call for a Free Consultation with a Dedham Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Our Dedham domestic violence lawyers offer free initial phone consultations on all domestic violence cases. Call (781) 708-9800 today. You can also contact us online.