Old Warrants
Old arrest warrants can cause trouble in a number of ways. An outstanding Massachusetts arrest warrant can stop you from renewing or obtaining a driver’s license in another state. A Massachusetts arrest warrant defense lawyer can help you negotiate with the prosecutor’s office to recall or remove the outstanding warrant. Also, if you are arrested in another state and you have an outstanding Massachusetts arrest warrant, then the police may hold you in custody as a fugitive from justice while waiting to hear from authorities in Massachusetts, who will ultimately decide whether to dismiss the warrant or to extradite you back to Massachusetts.
Boston criminal defense lawyer David Yannetti and his associates regularly work with clients from all across the country who require assistance recalling or removing old Massachusetts arrest warrants. Attorney Yannetti is an AV-rated* defense attorney with over twenty five years’ criminal law experience in Massachusetts. At the Yannetti Criminal Defense Law Firm, he works with other former prosecutors who are experienced and qualified to resolve old warrants for clients. We also may help Massachusetts clients who need to remove old arrest or bench warrants in other states.
Recalling or Removing Old Warrants
Please realize that you will probably have to appear in person in the court to remove the outstanding arrest warrant. In certain circumstances, you may not have to appear in person, depending on the type of criminal charge and the age of the warrant, but it is important for you to have realistic expectations going into the process.
Your defense attorney should handle all the preliminary work with the goal being that you can make a quick trip to Massachusetts, appear at court for the warrant removal, and return to your home state the same day or the next day. Attorney Yannetti and his associates will make contact with the criminal court and the district attorney’s office to negotiate removal or recall of the old warrant before you make the trip, so that you know you will be able to obtain a resolution before you travel. We will determine the exact status of the warrant and work to negotiate a dismissal or other resolution with the prosecutor’s office.
Call for A Free Consultation with a Boston Outstanding Warrants Defense Lawyer
If you have an outstanding warrant or have been arrested because of a warrant, we can help. Contact an attorney online or call 617-297-9213 for a free phone consultation.
* CV, BV, and AV are registered certification marks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used in accordance with the Martindale-Hubbell certification procedures, standards, and policies. Martindale-Hubbell is the facilitator of a peer review rating process. Ratings reflect the confidential opinions of members of the Bar and the judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell ratings fall into two categories — legal ability and general ethical standards.