Having a criminal record can affect many areas of your life. It can make it harder or impossible for you to find employment, impact any professional licenses you have and create problems finding housing. Your reputation among family, friends and colleagues is also...

Drug Charges
Why does it matter where I get arrested for drug charges?
It matters where you get arrested for alleged drug crimes. If a drug crime is committed in certain locations, such as school zones, there are enhanced penalties in addition to the penalties imposed for the underlying drug crime. Distributing drugs near schools or...
Can the police legally search your car?
There’s a lot at stake when drug charges are levied against you. A criminal conviction, after all, can affect nearly every aspect of your life, from your freedom to your ability to obtain gainful employment and stable housing. With so much on the line, you need to...
Which drug crimes are heard in which courts?
Some people think that if they dabble with what they believe are harmless drugs, that they are not doing anything wrong. This may be especially true if they are homeowners who hold down a well-paying job and support their family and only use drugs for a bit of “fun”...